NeXT Education Software Sampler 1992 Fall
NeXT Education Software Sampler 1992 Fall.iso
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134 lines
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:[font = title; inactive; preserveAspect; ]
Lagrange's Equations for the Motion of a Rotating Pendulum.
:[font = subtitle; inactive; preserveAspect; ]
by Charles G. Fleming
Educational Computing Services
Allegheny College
Partially supported by a grant from the
Vira Heinz Endowment.
:[font = section; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
The derivation of the Lagrange's equations.
:[font = subsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
The Coordinates
:[font = input; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
The rotating pendulum is formed by attaching a pendulum to
a circular wheel which is rotating at a constant angular
speed, denoted by w, and which is centered at the origin of
a cartesian coordinate system. We let r denote the radius
of the wheel, The pendulum has an arm whose length will be
denoted by l. Finally, theangle formed by the pendulum arm
and the y axis is denoted by theta. Theta is measured
counterclockwise from the negative y axis. With these
variables, the position of themass is given by the following
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; ]
x = r Cos[w t] + l Sin[theta[t]]
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y = r Sin[w t] - l Cos[theta[t]]
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Kinetic Energy
:[font = input; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
The kinetic energy of the system is computed by using the
usual formula K.E. = 1/2 (m1v12 + m2v22). We will
denote the kinetic energy by T.
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; ]
T = (m/2) (D[x,t]^2 + D[y,t]^2)
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; ]
T = Expand[%]
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; ]
T = % /. Cos[x_]^2 :> 1 - Sin[x]^2
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; ]
T = Simplify[%]
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; ]
T = m/2 (r^2 w^2 + 2 l r w Sin[theta[t] - t w] theta'[t]
+ l^2 theta'[t]^2)
:[font = subsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
Potential Energy
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The potential energy of the mass at the end of the pendulum
is given by the usual formula.
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; ]
V = m g y
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:[font = input; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
Recall that the Lagrangian is the kinetic energy minus the
potential energy.
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; ]
L = T - V
:[font = subsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
Lagrange's Equations
:[font = input; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup; ]
Our last step is to compute Langrange's equations.
These second order equations will describe the motion of
the springy pendulum.
:[font = input; initialization; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; endGroup; ]
Simplify[D[ D[L, theta'[t]], t] - D[L, theta[t]]]